
to the Dandenong Ranges Veterinary Centre

we care
Dandenong Ranges Veterinary Centre
House Calls

House Calls

Can’t get to the vet? If your pet can't travel or gets too stressed out by a car ride, never fear - we’ll come to you!

Puppy School

Puppy School

Essential for early socialisation & good manners of your puppy. A well behaved dog will be welcome where ever you go.

Public Dog Wash

Public Dog Wash

The DIY dog wash/hydrobath is located at the corner of the vet surgery and is available 7 days 6am-10pm.


What's On this Month

Kidney & Urinary Health

This month in-clinic we are looking after the kidney and urinary health of your pets.

Early signs of kidney disease can be very subtle, but can progress to weight loss, reduced appetite, lethargy, increased thirst and urination, vomiting and bad breath. Diagnosis of kidney disease usually involves a combination of blood and urine tests. Unfortunately, there is no cure for kidney disease, but early detection allows us to implement treatments which may slow the progression of disease and improve quality of life. You can get accurate urine results in under five minutes in the clinic.

Get $20 OFF SediVue Urine Analysis during October & November

Sedivue Offer

Piece of mind with Platinum Paws

Annual vets costs spread out monthly, plus bonus services and discounts.

A survey by drug company Zoetis showed that on average pet owners are only administering heartworm prevention 5/12 times per year, leaving dogs & cats at risk of developing this life threatening infection. We have developed a plan to help pet owners overcome this & save money - the Platinum Paws Club! There are 3 levels to choose from including options for FREE, unlimited consultations!

Join today and start saving!

Platinum Paws
Platinum Paws

Piece of Mind Blue Health Plan

from $39 monthly
  • Unlimited Consultations
  • Annual Vaccinations
  • In-clinic Discounts
Platinum Paws

Complete Silver Health Plan

from $35 monthly
  • Annual Vaccinations
  • Heartworm Prevention
  • In-clinic Discounts
  • Parasite Preventation delivered to your door
Platinum Paws

Ultimate Gold Health Plan

from $44 monthly
  • Unlimited Consultations
  • Annual Vaccinations
  • Heartworm Prevention
  • In-clinic Discounts
  • Parasite Preventation delivered to your door

Find out all the ways we help you care for your pets

Latest Articles

Do you have VetCheck?

VetCheck is the easy-to-use app that allows you to keep all of their pet’s information, appointments and treatment plans in one place. Developed by Dr Moss Siddle, it is a complete pet care management app and it's FREE!

Find out more

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